Posts in Soliloquy
On to a New Skillset – UX Writing

Every few years, I find myself honing a new written communication skillset under the umbrella of content strategy. I am fascinated with how the written word interacts with design to form a piece of communication, complete enough to evoke action or emotion within us. That's why this year when I first came across a UX Writer profile it sparked my interest. Days and hours of research later, I’ve decided to self-learn UX Writing and apply its principles in the work I do.

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A study of nationalist narratives, colonial past and intergenerational trauma has led to a newfound perspective on international relations, workforce migration and work culture tendencies. This, coupled with my work experience as an employer and an employee, is leading to validations from my past projects and new theories in organisational management during the times of crisis i.e. the times when a step change is essential.

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Let’s start at the very beginning.

During college, I wanted to grow to be both – a copywriter and an art director. Not because I was confused, but because I sensed I enjoyed both, that I could not separate the visuals from words, the process of writing was in fact very visual and I believed that the symbiosis of the two created a wholesome piece of communication. To begin as a copywriter however, was the best path to choose without a formal training at an art school. The desire to create visuals was channelized through a self-taught photography effort that glimpsed into work later in life.

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School after Work

On relocating – there was an initial grapple with feeling insufficient, since the fast paced work life of Mumbai was what I had always known. Dropping out at the age of 19, hustling for a year and building a serious business after that meant I had never really had a vacation till after exiting that business, till after I was 25. Also, my workaholic tendencies had continued into new roles, so no proper vacation till crossing 28.

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Building Brand Fundamentals in Retail

SK Exports is one of India’s largest leather manufacturing and export houses, and has been associated with top luxury brands across Europe. It was a natural move for the promoters to launch a retail brand in house, since the manufacturing ability was flawless, and could withstand the initial slow retail demand. Before I joined, the brand had been around for 5 years with 10 boutiques spread across north India and a scratchy online presence. My task was to reposition, reinforce and create brand infrastructure.

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Back to School or Onward to School?

After 8 years of working in senior roles across real estate services and luxury retail, I head to the University of Amsterdam for a BSc in Business Administration. This extensive three year course would involve understanding all aspects of managing an organisation in a scientific manner, with all the perks of an excellent academic environment and a prosperous global city. I’m certainly excited for this oncoming shift in worldview.

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My work at Eské and Art Should Tempt

This practice of documenting my journey has been quite beneficial, since I tend to oversee how fast some months have passed, and how sharp some turns have been – sideways and upwards. From home cleaning to real estate services, onwards to luxury retail and now a comprehensive slow living media company – it has been a journey with a plan, with intent and everything seems to falling in place – delighting me, in the process.

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Stepping Out of Real Estate, and How Art Tempts

I have always wanted to lead a publication. Writing away into the night, on my wooden desk with a steaming espresso close by – it has been a stuff of dreams since college. People fascinate me, and I long for conversations, listening to them talk, understanding how they push their own boundaries, on what drives them ahead, their version of their own story.

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My Foray into Organisational Effectiveness

Revisions in the performance management system has laid stress on conversations within teams, which has led to greater clarity and improved retention. Conversations with the respective heads of departments have been more fruitful, since ‘team reviews’ are conversations-focused and include the intangible aspects of employment. The results have been promising.

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Building a Good Company

In a matter of 3 months, I have 4 distinct teams reporting in, leading self drafted projects, with individual objectives, evolved roles, and have started delivering on promises made – this does not happen without the top management’s support and presence of talent. Support comes with a track record and sincerity. Talent has to be identified – not all high performers are painted blue – some thrive in red, some in green. And your head needs to sit firmly on your shoulders.

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